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Schirin Chams-Diba is a Mystica, dancer, yogini, healer, and pilgrim at heart. From a young age, she has followed a distinct call to embark on a life-long journey of healing, adventure, and truth.


From a long line of Persian healers and wise women, she has trained intensively in sacred dance, yoga, spiritual lineages, esoteric arts,  and natural medicine.


After years of exploring the world, devoting herself to in-depth study, and shaping her own practice, she feels called to share her skills in service to the Greater Good. The above skills are branches of the ‘Path of Feminine Mystics’.

With her love for sacred movement, Schirin intuited the esoteric commonalities between yoga and various dance forms, their ritualized spirit-infused moving mystery and Kundalini Shakti cultivation. The heart/womb medicine, breath connection, and body/soul wisdom woven into these practices mirror the movements of the elements, the Earth and celestial tides. In dance, she witnesses the marriage between Spirit and Form. Bringing together all these riches has led her to develop her method for ‘Essence of the Feminine™’.

For the past decade, Schirin has facilitated sacred movement medicine through feminine-aligned yoga; sacred medicine dance traditions from the Near East to India as a transformational and empowering experience; various esoteric traditions seen through the feminine lens, lunar rhythms and holistic lifestyle choices. Whether alone or in a circle of sisters, the practices serve the experience of healing beyond pain and trauma. They enhance connection, naturally arising wisdom, intuition, vitality, creativity, wholeness and joy. Women are enriched with the skill to create their own movement ritual prayers and healing practices. 


She has held workshops and retreats in New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Thailand, India, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, USA, Kazakhstan and Guatemala. She has taught at renown festivals such as the Bali Spirit, Spirit of Tengri, Agape Zoe, Symbiosis, Lightning in a Bottle etc. 

Schirin Chams-Diba Flower

As a multi-disciplinary dance artist, Schirin is a founding member of the world music project Karavan Sarai, with both albums ranked in the top 10 World Music charts. She regularly performs live with world-renown musical acts at festivals and concerts.


Live performance highlights include: virtuoso Omar Faruk Tekbilek, Beats Antique, Yuval Ron Ensemble, Bedouin Jerrycan Band, Peruquois & Praful, Rajasthani Gypsy Caravan, Grammy winner Hamid Saeidi, the cast of Jillina Carlano’s Bellydance Evolution ˜Fantasm - Odyssey of Dreams’ production. 

Furthermore, Schirin has worked as a full time Naturopath, Herbalist, Flower Essence practitioner and Hypnotherapist. She holds a ‘Bachelor of Complementary Medicine’, a ‘Diploma of Naturopathy and Herbal Medicine’ as well as a ‘Diploma of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy’.


One of her specialty fields includes ‘Feminine Reproductive Health’ for all stages of a woman’s life, specifically natural fertility therapy. However, her practice experiences expanded wide into the specific needs of people of all walks of life whom chose to consult with her. 

My Vision & Mission

My mission is to offer a sacred spacious circle where women of all walks of life can come home to themselves.  ‘Essence of the Feminine™’ invites you to take your place in this wisdom council where the womb/heart/vision of all women meet. This is a place of learning: embodied spirituality as well as timelessly proven practice tools such as Sacred Dance, Medicine & the Mystical Ritual Healing Arts are brought together; rooted in ancient truth and crowned into current integration. 


It is my vision that our lives are elevated up to their intended sanctity: for healing, ritual, dancing, singing, embodied mysticism and communion to be a way of life. For this reason, I offer my expertise as accessible tools to work within your life on a daily basis, integrate and expand with your own inner healing creatress. 


Our bodies are our temples, made in the image of the great Creation vessel that pours forth from a never-ending well. Together, we become empty in order to be filled with our feminine birthright to be true to ourselves. We align with our visceral, intuitive, inherent, wise, unshakable gnosis. Our divinely orchestrated uniqueness is needed and wanted in its authenticity for the betterment of the world.


I envision us each to trace along the Creation Web of Life in its perfect patterning, aligned with the pathways of our destinies fulfilled.

Schirin Chams-Diba Flower

I see women as leaders, healers, artists, dreamers, movers and shakers in wise leadership, as facilitators of a sacred experience.

Together, we redefine your womanhood in community.

We’re bringing back the healthy feminine aspect that transcends all barriers. We take up our rightful place in our co-creative, responsible, reciprocal relationship with all of life.

Together, we offer up a legacy of wholeness for generations to come.

Schirin weaves her offerings from:

~ the Sacred, Classical and Folkloric dance traditions along the Romani (Gypsy) trail through the Middle East, Central Asia, and India
~ the Esoteric Arts: such as Yoga, Tantra, Inherent Feminine Wisdom, Priestess work, Shamanism, Astrology, Sufism and the teachings of the Egyptian 'House of the Bee'
~ the Healing Arts such as Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Flower Essence Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Nutrition, Aromatherapy and the Green Ways of the Wise Woman

Trainings & Certifications

Bachelor of Complementary Medicine Charles Sturt University / Diploma of Naturopathy & Diploma of Herbal Medicine from Wellpark College of Natural Therapies / Practitioner Diploma with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand / Hypnotherapist with AHTI / Certified Yoga Teacher with Yoga Vidya , Laughing Lotus Yoga, Well Woman Yoga / Completion of Shamanic Training programs with Medicine Woman / Certified Mystical Dance Teacher / Certified Red Tent facilitator (Tanishka) / Nava Dance Collective / Rachel Brice 8 Elements Initiation / Shakti School of Dance


— Medicine of the Feminine —

Access tools of feminine transformation to integrate into your life for lasting impact. Receive tangible tools to take with you on your journey to reclaim your feminine essence. Everyone has gifts. Your uniqueness is the medicine that the world needs!

Reclaim the healing wisdom of your mothers and grandmothers

Schirin Chams-Diba Flower

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