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with Schirin Chams-Diba

Dance of the Feminine™ is poetry of the body expressed in ancient meaningful gestures. It is a symphony of moving pictures and framed poses, a revelation of the deep soul through the Sacred Feminine Arts.

Gold Frame

Dance is a language that reunites the body, mind, heart and soul.

Through dance we experience a different dimension and merge with the greater dance of the Universe. Mother Nature is the direct expression of the Divine Creation, all sacred geometry to be found in her vastness- the geometry of the universe. In our circle of sisters we weave mystical practices, wisdom teachings and sacred dance traditions in accordance with our true feminine nature. 


We move in our own lunar rhythms and connect with our naturally arising instinctual wisdom, insight, vitality and joy. We apply the sacred symbology of undulations, waves, spirals, circles and infinity loops, linking in with the beginning point: the 'bindu'- navel of the universe. We conjure up and alchemize the energies of earth, air, fire and water in our own beings. 


The body never lies, she communicates the most subtle yet powerful nuances from our Higher Selves. And thus we give her expression through prayer and poetry dance, we allow the Feminine to own her majestic voice as we sing accompanied by the heartbeat of Mother Earth.

Our Higher Selves serve as our *Guiding Stars*.

Heal Yourself & Come into Wholeness

We will journey through the sacred dances of India through to Persia, Turkey and North Africa via visual cultural presentation, and especially dance language.


Some of these dances are Indian Odissi Temple dance, Central Asian Circle dances, Ecstatic Sufi Whirling, the Egyptian Zaar, Ritual Belly Dance and Tuareg Guedra. Via movement medicine from the ancient to the modern, breath work, poetry, structured and free-style dance, whirling, chanting and meditation, we embody sacred teachings from time immemorial and thereby heal ourselves and come into wholeness.

Through going deep into our heart/womb spaces, we tap into the source of true feminine power, intuition, creativity, healing and nurture; hence we tap into our deepest mysteries: as within so without. It is the embodiment of Spirit through our dance that leads to self-knowledge, surrendering to the unknown and creating the limitless. 


Within this safe vessel, women can heal holistically, move beyond pain and trauma, claim wholeness with soft strength; through the principles of transformation and nurture by the strongest power of all ~ Love. 


Together we experience Divinity in our body temples and dance our prayers, thus activating a cascade of higher aligned creation out into the world.

Attendance for Women only. No previous experience needed.

Schirin places emphasis on a safe learning environment with a solid technical foundation as well as a holistic experience for women in which they can feel strengthened in their unique femininity, creativity, sensuality, joy, grace, power and a sense of communal togetherness. Schirin offers group classes, workshops, multiple-day intensives and privates. The level of intensity is relative to the group's/individual's ability.

How To Get Started

Please send me a message for inquiries about upcoming classes, workshops, immersions, trainings and retreats as well as private sessions. I am available in person and/or via Zoom. If you wish to bring me to your area to co-create the above, please, contact me here.

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