How fascinating that the new cycle began on a Sagittarius Pink Full Moon with an Eclipse. Karmic outworn aspects illuminated and released. The arrow of truth is fired with clear focus and direction, not necessarily straight but in the sacred geometry of how these celestial bodies whirl with each other.
Venus has been misrepresented and distorted. We have been fooled to see her as a whimsical, superficial seductress, as quite pubescent and somehow selfish, naive, manipulative. This couldn’t be any further from the truth of her energy.
Venus is a wise woman, her powers and the powers of Gaia manifest in the abundance, prosperity and genius intelligence present in Nature. Everything we could possibly need to thrive is already present here on Earth. The Sun joining in with his generosity of overflowing creativity and artistic expression as well as oozing life force and sunlight. Nothing exists in isolation... there is more to be understood through life times. Venus is the energy of ‘true relationship’. She is the source of a very sustaining kind of love. How do we relate to ourselves, to each other and to all of life? With this new cycle, we can begin a new way of ‘right relating’. Co-creation and a receptive stance ready to act upon that directive. By aligning with Venus, we choose resourcefulness sustainability. We align with our birthright to create a pleasant, sensually (meaning with all our senses awake) satisfying existence in our physical experience. Venus holds the key to true love, union, harmony and value. Now, we can beging this cycle at any point. By aligning with the currents of the universe, our intentions, healing and actions are supported and amplified. Her flower is the rose, oozing scent and a beauty that embodies the above qualities. How come that we have been taught to even label the rose as kitschy or tacky ...?! These distortions only disempower how we understand the workings of the world. All these aspects are present inside of us. Always ask yourself: What would love choose to do now? The answers can only be found through the heart. Apply it to every aspect of life... I hold the vision of this Higher Intelligence to permeate every lifeline, our politics, our technology, our education: our birthright for rightful relationship as a way of life. Let’s reclaim our stories and rewrite the book of life... Btw, each of the twelve planets of our solar system create sacred geometry within their specific cycles... a divine choreography of celestial dances...